I remember one of my favorite verses in the bible, Christ had asked His disciples who the crowds thought that Christ was, who or what, they identified Him as, when He was out on the road preaching and teaching. Each one of them were saying things like, "they think you are John the Baptist, Elias, or one of the other prophets..." and so on. Then He asked them the most important question ever, "Who do you say that I am..." I can just see them all now, looking around, waiting on one of the others to answer, not really sure what He would want to hear. Then Peter popped up, "Thou art Christ the Son of the LIVING GOD..."
Christ looked at him and said, "Flesh and bone did not tell you this, the only way you would know that is if my Father in Heaven has, your eyes already to this truth." Peter got it right? Peter? The one who was going to deny Christ three times in just a short while. Although, He still knew who Christ was. He knew that he, himself was standing in the middle of a great God, creator of all and Savior of the world. He didn't understand all that was to come, but He knew what the Holy Spirit revealed to Him at that moment.
So now, when people look at you, do you ever ask yourself, "Who does men say that I am?" Do they say, "Man that person looks and acts like Christ, looks like Jesus." Do they notice a difference in you, or do they look at you and you are just like everyone else they know? Do they see Jesus in you? Do you know that the word "Christian" means "Christ-Like" in the Greek, it is defined as an "adherent of Jesus," which is one who has submitted and accepted Christ as their Savior, who have committed to (adhere to a life in the doctrine, lifestyle, and beliefs of Christ) live for Him, committed to show others His way and to share the gospel of Jesus, which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Are they seeing in you the Christ you say is there in your heart, or do they see someone who is a pretender? Someone who talks about Jesus in one breath, then turns around talk about the party they went to and how many "hook-ups" they got that weekend. Do they hear you talk about your spouse or significant other as if they were dirt under your feet, instead of the one you should honor and respect? Do they see Jesus in you when they are having a hard time and need to feel compassion from another, or do you just blow it off and say, "hey we all have bad days, get over it, suck it up and get back to work?" How do you show others the Love of the Lord? How do you show it to your family at home? Do you show it at home?
When you get saved, the bible says that you become a "new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." II Cor 5:17 So you are supposed to take off that old flesh, that old person and let the Love of the Lord create a new heart, a new mind, and a new, righteous spirit in you. When you pray and repent, truly repent, you are supposed to turn and go a different way. Be a new creation. Be a new man, in Christ Jesus. It takes work, it takes renewing your mind everyday, it takes giving God your day, every morning and saying, "you have the control of my life, let this day be for you, to use as you would have me today." Not just once but everyday.
I work from home now, I am not in a business setting, I was telling my husband today, it is so easy to talk about being able to give my heart and mind over to God every morning, to do all the things I am "supposed" to do as a Christian, and it is very hard to sin when you are all alone. One would think that anyway, but it isn't true. No matter how much of a hermit I think I am, no matter how alone I am during the day and how little outside influence I have, I still miss the mark everyday.
There are things we are supposed to do each day, tasks of commission, things God have commanded each of us to do on a daily basis, and then there are tasks of omission, things we don't do, not because we don't want to, but because there just isn't enough time during the day, things that we don't "think about" all the time, that we are to do as Christians, and when we fail to do those things, we sin. Not that I try to sin, or I try to ignore those things, but that, no one can do every single one of those tasks every day. NO ONE can be perfect ALL the time, no matter how much some of us think we are perfect.
We all fail the Lord in some way or another, fail to pray or fellowship with Him, fail to give God the day, fail to witness to someone we met on the streets, helped a fellow brother or sister who needed it today, or even things that we fail to do because our flesh got in the way, keep our words pure today, joked around with someone in an off color way, let our mind wander to the cute delivery man, the things that the bible says, when you have done them in your heart, you have done them already.
We know we can't live up to everything that God has for us to do, that is what the Grace of God is all about. He gave us mercy, knowing we would never be perfect, we would never be sinless, and He sent His son to die for us, to make a perfect way of escape from Hell, damnation and sin. His Grace keeps us everyday, no matter how far we fall, no matter how short from the mark of His perfection we came today. God's loving kindness brought us grace to cover our multitude of sins, it brought us to a place where our sins are remembered no more and we can let them go, let God have control of our lives.
In order to share God's Grace with others, we need to be that witness to them, to show them His love and favor on our lives. To show His blessings, how He brings us through our hard times, trials and temptations. It takes renewing your mind, it takes consciously deciding everyday that you want to live for the Lord, resetting your mind to the mind of Christ, and letting Him help you through your day, to be the witness, the testimony others need to see, to know that living a life in Christ IS different than living a life in the world, HOPING for the best.
So examine yourself, "Who do men say that you are?" "Who do you want them to see in you?"
I want them to see, Jesus In Me! His Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. How about it? DO YOU?
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