Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Mother's Love Never Fails

"Her Children arise up, and call her blessed:" Prov. 31:28a

I read a question on a moms' social network page the other day, a mother had thrown her son out of the house at 18 yrs old. Apparently until the past year he had been a really great kid, excelling at everything, respectful to his parents, and had no problems that the parents knew of at the time. Then over this past year he started getting into trouble, she found out he had thrown a party at her house while she was gone, he was now smoking, drinking and doing drugs. When she and her ex husband sat down to talk to him about this issue, to offer him help, to give him ultimatums he got mad and cursed at her, called her every name in the book he could think of, and some she had never thought of before, and standing over her, she finally told him to move out, that this was the last chance and he blew it. She wanted some advice from other moms on how she should handle this. Then she said, "I don't think I will ever be able to forgive him for what he said to me and the names he called me. They just hurt so bad and I can't get them out of my mind."

This is a good sight for moms, for the most part, but not all the mothers that post are Christians, so not many of the answers were faith based. I was saddened on how many people can tell a mother to write off her own child. To turn her back, that she don't have to forgive, until she is ready and until he comes to his senses. I have found so many mothers in today's society, that have found this ability to turn their back, hearts, and lives on their own children. They are able to just walk away and not think a thing about it.

The bible says that the mothers are so important in their children's lives. They are to train the young women, girls how to grow up as a child of God, as a Godly woman, to train them how to be a Godly mother, Godly wife, and Homemaker to their family. We are to teach our children to pray, to read the word of God and to live by the scriptures. If we don't, NO ONE ELSE WILL. It is a mother's love that gets the soldier through the hard times during battle. It is a mother's encouragement to a young girl being bullied by the "mean girls" at school to go on, because they are more beautiful and better than what is being said. It is the mother that teacher her children that words hurt, no matter how bad you feel, you should speak kindness to others. And it is mother's steadfastness that teaches her children that no matter what the fight, what the struggle, how bad the relationship gets, we need to stand up for God and stay the course, not give up and walk away, to be the best spouse you can be. And through the mother's example, the family, each individual will want to know more about the God she serves. 2Tim 3 says the husband is won to the Lord through the wife's testimony, it is the same for the child.

God made mothers to love unconditionally. He wants them, no matter what the test, trial, hurt they endure, they are supposed to show the love of God, that unconditional, I don't care what you do, I'm gonna love you anyway type of love. That love that shows a child, no matter what happens in life, I will always be there. We wipe away their tears, fix the hurts and bruises on their knees, their elbows, and their hearts. We tell them another love will come. They show that child that no matter how someone treats you, forgive, not for them, but for yourself. You can't hold on to the pain and hurt of what a child says when they are hurting. You cannot hold that against them. Number 1 it isn't in a mother's inherent nature to be able to turn your backs, it wasn't designed of God to be able to walk away.

Mother's are to show the same type of Love, much like the love of Christ, though he is rejected so many times, by you, by me, by others, he keeps on loving us, no matter what. He shows us love and keeps forgiving you, over and over again. Forgiveness isn't about healing for the person who did the hurting, forgiveness is for the person who was hurt. You take the power back, that was taken from you when the attacks on your heart began. It gives your heart the power to heal and to be able to say, "I love you son, I know you are hurting and the words you said were harsh, but I know your mind is in another place, and the drugs and alcohol is where those hurtful words came from, not from what you really feel. I forgive you." Even if he isn't ready to forgive himself, you must be able to restore that relationship. He needs you. He needs your heart. He needs his mommy.

I pray for you today, I pray that you will be that mother when your children look back through their childhood and life and says, "that woman was incredible to me. She did above and beyond I could ever imagine and she enriched my life more than I ever knew. She blessed my heart and life.

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